Irregularly, I post noteworthy articles I recently read. Enjoy!
Joi Ito’s Trends to Watch in 2013 – Think Insights – Google
Joi’s analysis is always one to watch. The trends he bets on for the coming years: Hardware as software, gene printing, lifelong learning, and the survival of the quickest (adopters). Solid overview! – by Tetsuhiko Endo
The Everlasting Gobstopper: 3D Printing Models & Markets
3D printers are getting cheaper, but this may come at a cost. Just like razor blades “subsidize” cheap razors, we see the same model emerging for the 3D printer markets. It’s all about the filaments!
Germany Is Europe’s Biggest Android Market
Not sure if the numbers are 100% reliable, but it’s certainly interesting to see that Android’s share of the smart phone market is towering huge over iPhones in Germany. (Tablets are a different game altogether.)
This 17-Year-Old Coder Is Saving Twitter From TV Spoilers (Spoiler: She’s a Girl)
The fact that this article on Jennie Lamere’s coding prowess and achievement focuses almost completely on her being female is an important reminder that the developer scene is still hugely dominated by men. Also, that media still have a hard time looking objectively (by which I mean having a non-gendered look) at these topics. (Also, dear Motherjones, I’m wondering if being “the only developer to work alone” at a hackathon would be praise if written about a male developer?) – by DANA LIEBELSON
Russian billionaire reveals real-life ‘avatar’ plan – and says he will upload his brain to a hologram and become immortal by 2045
Bizarre and seemingly not a very useful idea, but another step in the struggle to understand the nature of “human v machine” identities. – by Mark Prigg
Agent of Change: The Industrial Internet Could Help Cure the Healthcare System
Mostly, this is quite funny as GE so horribly botches the metaphors of the Matrix movie they’re referring to.
The Makers of Ushahidi Hope to Kickstart a Backup Communications Server
The people behind Ushahidi, a software platform for communicating information during a crisis, have now developed what they are dubbing a “backup generator for the Internet”—a device that can connect with any network in the world, provide eight hours of wireless connectivity battery life. – by David Talbot