A quick archival overview of publications, projects and initiatives.
View Source: Shenzhen
[en][author] An exploration of the Shenzhen hardware ecosystem & the importance of creating a responsible IoT. (June 2017)
Understanding the Connected Home: Thoughts on living in tomorrow’s connected home.
[en][co-author] Second edition. Available at theconnectedhome.org and on the Kindle Store. Co-authored with Michelle Thorne. (Fully revised second edition, June 2016)
The Indie Conference Organizer Handbook
[en][co-author] A practical guide to running your very own indie conference, written with Max Krüger. (Published July 2014)
Weblogs und Politikjournalisten – Die Bedeutung von Weblogs für die Arbeit von Politikjournalisten.
[de] Bihr, Peter (2008). VDM Verlag Dr. Müller. Magisterarbeit, 228 Seiten. ISBN-10: 3836464292, ISBN-13: 978-3836464291. Available on Amazon.de or as a free PDF download.
Virtual Worlds [en] Bihr, Peter / Praus, Thomas / Senges, Max (2007). ISBN: 978-84-9788-609-3. Textbook for UOC Summer University course. Editorial UOC, Barcelona. English version released under Creative Commons (Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike). (Downloads and more info here.)
Digital Civil Society: A Maturing Field
[en][co-author] An analysis of the current landscape and future developments of digital civil society in Germany, particularly with regard to policy-making and advocacy work. Commissioned by Stiftung Mercator, co-authored with Simon Höher. (April 2024)
Towards a European AI & Society Ecosystem.
[en][co-author] An analysis of the global AI ecosystem that concludes that Europe should prioritize societal aspects in their AI efforts, hence creating a European AI & Society Ecosystem, and empower civil society to play a lead role in it. The report is co-produced by Stiftung Neue Verantwortung and ThingsCon. (March 2020)
The State of Responsible IoT
[en][co-publisher] A ThingsCon report and essay collection by experts from the inter-disciplinary ThingsCon community of IoT practitioners. It explores the challenges, opportunities and questions surrounding the creation of a responsible & human-centric Internet of Things (IoT). (2017-2020)
Smart Cities: A Key to a Progressive Europe.
[en][author] This paper takes a critical look at the prevailing mode of governing digital technology at the level of the city, where the debate today is dominated by a narrow focus on efficiency pushed by global vendors of smart city technology. The paper argues that a progressive approach to smart city projects should ensure transparency, accountability, and participation, and makes a number of recommendations as to how to achieve that. This paper has been commissioned as input for the FEPS SAMAK report on ‘A Progressive Approach to Digital Tech’. (March 2020)
A Trustmark for IoT.
[en][author] A ThingsCon report exploring potentials and challenges for a trustmark for the Internet of Things. Commissioned by Mozilla. (September 2017)
Digitalisierung und die Smart City — Ressource und Barriere transformativer Urbanisierung.
Expertise für das WBGU-Hauptgutachten „Der Umzug der Menschheit: Die transformative Kraft der Städte“. Mit Prof. Dr. Christoph Bieber. (2016)
Rogers, J., Clarke, L., Skelly, M., Taylor, N., Thomas, P., Thorne, M., Larsen, S., Odrozek, K., Kloiber, J., Bihr, P., Jain, A., Arden, J., von Grafenstein, M. (2019). Our Friends Electric: Reflections on advocacy and design research for the voice enabled internet. Proceedings of CHI 2019, ACM, 114. doi:10.1145/3290605.3300344
Connection Problem
[en] A more personal glimpse behind the scenes. This is where I try out new ideas, where things are a little more conversational.
Getting Tech Right
[en] Getting Tech Right is a series of interviews exploring issues around how technology shapes our society and how to think about these issues better.
ThingsCon Stories
[en] An interview podcast with experts from the ThingsCon community of tech/IoT experts, co-hosted with Andrea Krajewski. Available through the link above and wherever you get your podcasts.
Zephyr Berlin: Ultimate Travel Pants
We designed and manufactured pants that travel well and are built to last. Funded through a successful Kickstarted campaign, this allowed us to learn first-hand about crowdfunding, product design, manufacturing and the logistics involved in physical goods.
- ThingsCon.org
- Upcoming ThingsCon events
- ThingsCon Amsterdam conference
- Report: State of Responsible IoT (annual)
- Podcast: ThingsCon Stories
Dearsouvenir Magazine
[de/en][co-publisher] Exploring travel through the stories behind souvenirs. Co-publisher. Nov 2015, May 2016
The Good Home
[en][co-publisher] The Good Home exhibition magazine.
Milan Furniture Fair 2016, London Design Festival 2016
[en][co-publisher] Connected tracks the evolving Internet of Things ecosystem through a collection of essays published as a newspaper. Edited jointly with Alexandra Deschamps-Sonsino.
May 2014, Oct 2014