Recent reading (8 links for March 19)

San Sebastian film fest

Irregularly, I post noteworthy articles I recently read. Enjoy!


Who do you trust? You are surrounded by bots.
Bit of a bummer that the article tries to go deep into bot panic territory, but the questions are legit and we’ll have to answer them – more and more – in the future. – by O’Reilly Strata (link)  


Berlin challenges its ‘anti’ vibe
Bit of a pet peeve of mine, this topic. Always torn on how to deal with the two ends of the scale you hear in this town day in, day out: The legitimate and serious issues around gentrification on one hand, and a creeping, deeply despicable anti-foreigner stance that just disguises as anti-gentrification on the other. (link)  


Words on tour
Lovely review of The Alpine Review. – by Nicola (link)  


Flattr now lets you crowdfund content by liking/staring stuff on Twitter, Vimeo & Instagram
Crowdfunding platform Flattr will now allow donating money to content producers in much simpler ways than before: by using Facebook Likes and Twitter Faves. – by Tom Cheredar (link)  


Digital Transformation in 2013: The strategy is delivery. Again.
Yes! The UK really has been on a roll with the Digital Government Services. This is just one more example of all the things they’re doing right. (Another example here.) – by Mike Bracken (link)  


Making Money from 3D Printing – Square Helper
A great example of a product where 3D printing actually makes sense, at least initially. Niche products like the Square Helper are super useful to some, which is the perfect definition of a legitimate market segment. Stuff like this (and much more complex designs on the other end of the scale) is what we’re also looking at over at Makers Make. – by Ari Honka (link)  


Wollen die auch arbeiten?
Ziemlich gelungenes Profil einer neuen Generation von Arbeitnehmern. Würde ich so oder ähnlich meinen Eltern weiterleiten, wenn ich gerade frisch von der Uni käme. – by Kerstin Bund, Uwe Jean Heuser (link)  


Sci-Fi’s Underground Hit
No matter how this continues, this publication is going to be a classic example for the role of digital self-publishing and for studies of business models in publishing. – by Alexandra Alter (link)  

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