Over last few weeks I’ve been publishing a series of posts around connectivity and the home (Understanding the Connected Home).
Today we’re taking this to the next level. Michelle and I teamed up for a book sprint, and after a full week
in the word mines of writing, we’re proud to present…
TheConnectedHome.org: Thoughts on living in tomorrow’s connected home.
It’s a collection of essays – a v0.9 book so to speak – and a research pool for future work. We’ll continue to write it in the open, via Github/Gitbook and licenced under Creative Commons (by-nc), so it’s largely free to remix and re-use. It’s also a work in progress, so be gentle for now.
Feedback’s more than welcome! And if you’d like to get involved, ping one of us. Enjoy!
Hi Peter,
tried to follow the link, but it looks completely empty. Somethign wrong?
Cheers / liebe Grüsse, Bas
@Bas it seems like the domain settings are still a bit flaky, but we’re working on it. For now, a refresh usually seems to do the trick.