A couple of days ago we relaunched the website for UIKonf. All new and shiny now!
So that’s awesome to begin with, but what’s even better is the amazing positive feedback from UIKonf alumni. Who aren’t just the nicest folks out there, but who also trust us enough to put their money where their mouth is by purchasing tickets about seven months in advance. Which is amazing and incredibly helpful for us as a small team running an indie conference.
You guys all rock. Thank you!
So, details on the website. But the at-a-glance basics:
- Berlin, 14-16 May 2014
- Two days of conference plus a hackday plus lots of small stuff on the sides
- Again, we’ll have an anonymous Call for Proposals as well as top food and coffee and some other nice stuff.
Early bird tickets are available now (first come first serve). Get yours now!
As a little thank you, we also have a special deal for alumni. (We only emailed those participants who last year gave us permission to get in touch with. So if you attended UIKonf 2013 and did not receive an email from us about a special alumni deal around Oct 7, please let either one of us know or drop us a line to questions_at_uikonf_dot_com and we’ll hook you up.)
We also weren’t all that happy with the way ticketing worked last time. So this time, it’s an all new setup: Ticketing itself goes through Tito, which is hooked up to Stripe for payments. Both services work like a charm, and particularly the Tito team has been incredibly helpful and responsive during the setup phase. Event organizers, if you use anything else for your ticketing you’re missing out.
So, that’s that. More infos at uikonf.com and on Twitter (@uikonf).