Recent reading (7 links for July 26)

There is that. At Nova Iskra, Belgrade.

Irregularly, I post noteworthy articles I recently read. Enjoy!


Almost every major consumer electronics manufacturer is now working on a smart watch
A solid overview of all the smart watches headed our way. – by Christopher Mims (link)  


OrCam aims to improve quality of life for the visually impaired
OrCam is a set of glasses rigged with camera and computing power. Clearly reminiscent of Google Glass, but with a very different focus. – by Colin Dunjohn (link)  


Online communities
When Flickr founder Caterina Fake writes about online communities it’s always worth reading. – by Caterina Fake (link)  


A few essays on surveillance by or tolerated by the government in Germany
Unterirdisch“, by Heribert Prantl, Sueddeutsche. “Drängt diese Parallelgesellschaft zurück!”, Lars Klingbeil, ZEIT. Both in German.  


Design Fiction as Pedagogic Practice
The title says it all. – by matthewward (link)  


Hacking the Internet of Things for Good.
Some thoughts on security when dealing with the Internet of Things. – by Marc Rogers (link)  


Could the NSA use Microsoft’s Xbox One to spy on you?
“Skype swore wiretaps weren’t possible before recent reports. Is Kinect next?” – by Sean Hollister (link)  

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