A quick announcement about UIKode, a service I just launched with Chris Eidhof & Matt Patterson.
We get asked frequently if we know of iOS app developers we can recommend. Sometimes, we can help; often times, we can’t. At the same time, we know many developers are bombarded by potential client requests that don’t fit their profiles, or without actionable briefings. This leads to frustration on both sides. Even worse, it gets in the way of building amazing apps and services.
So we figured there had to be a better way to help clients find top notch, trusted iOS developers we can recommend, and make developers’ lives easier by helping them be found by the perfect client.
When we organized UIKonf, Berlin’s first English-language iOS developer conference, we became aware of just how fragmented Europe’s iOS developer scene is. There just wasn’t a central place where these kind of connection could be built.
So we combined our experiences and networks, and set out to to make it easy to find the best iOS developers.
The result is a service called UIKode. It helps you find the iOS developer you need.
How UIKode works
If you are looking for an iOS developer, you access our briefing form online. It’s a simple, powerful way to structure your project in a way to create a briefing for the devs.
All submissions are screened by us. If the submission looks sufficient for a developer to get a solid understanding of the project, we send it to our pool. (Should a submission be too vague, we send it back with a note and a few helpful pointers.) Every developer sees it, and can choose to contact the submitter to inquire for further information or negotiate a contract.
Then we get out of the way: All deals and agreements are directly between submitter and developer. Of course both sides are free to work together at any time in the future without getting us involved, too. There’s no nasty fine print.
When submitting a project proposal, you agree to pay for posting your briefing to the pool. (It’s EUR 249 + VAT.) You’ll get our invoice after your proposal has been sent to the pool.
The better, more detailed and more thoughtful the briefing and the more exciting the project, the higher the chance that you as a client will find a good dev. There is no guarantee you’ll find a developer, but the chance is very high. If we send the proposal back to you because it looks too vague, we won’t charge you of course. For developers, getting work through UIKode is free (but our pool is invite only).
Taking the time to fill out the briefing and paying our fee signals to the developers that you are serious about your project. For clients, it helps communicate their vision clearly and efficiently to future developers, thus increasing chances of a successful project launch.
For starters, we’ll run UIKode as a private beta. During that phase, as a thank you our beta testers won’t be charged unless they really found a developer through us. If you would like to join our private beta, please get in touch (info@uikode.com).
If you want to be notified when UIKode goes public, then sign up here.
Who is in the UIKode developer pool?
As a first step, building on our extensive network in the iOS dev scene — which is significant, particularly after running one of Europe’s biggest conferences in the field –, we hand-picked a small number of the best devs we know. The ones we absolutely trust to deliver good work on time. They are the seeding group of UIKode, its core if you will. From there, we will slowly and organically grow the network, based on our own and our initial pool members’ recommendations. This way, we can ensure you’ll be working with the best as we grow our pool.
If you’re a dev and you’d like more information about joining the pool, please sign up for updates here. We continuously scan applications, but we will be inviting new members slowly over time. It helps if you have a pool member who vouches for you.
Who is behind UIKode?
The team that brought you UIKonf. We all work in the field. As developers, strategists or consultants, we know both sides of the conversation. We’ve cut our teeth running many projects, so we know what we’re talking about.
Peter Bihr (@peterbihr / thewavingcat.com) Peter explores emerging technologies. He is an independent digital strategist, Program Director of the conference NEXT Berlin and co-founder of Makers Make. He frequently organizes events like UIKonf, Cognitive Cities Conference, Ignite Berlin or TEDxKreuzberg.
Chris Eidhof (@chriseidhof / eidhof.nl) Chris is an iOS developer who’s been building iOS apps since the first public release of the SDK. He organized user group meetings and conferences in The Netherlands, and is a regular speaker at tech meetups. He blogs about iOS development and other things at chris.eidhof.nl.
Matt Patterson (@fidothe / werkstatt.io) Matt is a long-time developer of web apps. He’s a regular speaker at conferences and user groups. He organised the first History Hackday and was one of the organizers of NoSQL Europe 2010. He also helps mentor the Ruby Monsters Rails Girls Berlin study group.
Get in touch
If you have questions regarding UIKode, if you’re interested in collaborating or would like to work with either of us directly on other projects, please get in touch. Our individual contact details are listed above. To get in touch about UIKode, please drop us a line to info@uikode.com or get in touch with me directly.
Check it out at UIKode.com.