Liveblogging from next08

next08Tomorrow I’ll be blogging live from next conference in Hamburg, Germany. next08 is is one of Germany’s top web conferences and I was thrilled that SinnerSchrader asked me to be one of four livebloggers at their conference. (Thanks a lot, Martin!)

This year’s theme is get realtime:

The main theme will be get realtime. We want to take care of the challenge that customers are communicating in real-time but companies do not. What does it take to implement, how can brands solve this challenge?

We’ll cover the conference sessions in German and English, my part will be the English blogging. You’ll find the (bi-lingual) coverage on Also, there’s an official conference Twitter account next08, and we’ll twitter individually, too: Steffen Büffel, Volker Agüeras Gäng and myself.

This should be fun. If you’re at next, make sure to say hi!


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