Liveblogging DLD10 with Berlinblase
Like I mentioned before, I’ll be liveblogging DLD10 with the Berlinblase crew. (Full disclosure: Paid gig.) So while we’re setting up base in the DLD press center, here’s…
Like I mentioned before, I’ll be liveblogging DLD10 with the Berlinblase crew. (Full disclosure: Paid gig.) So while we’re setting up base in the DLD press center, here’s…
Together with the Berlinblase crew I’ll be heading down to Munich next week to cover Burda’s DLD Conference. (Full disclosure: paid gig.) Needless to say, I was thrilled…
Recently I’ve been getting more and more requests for liveblogging events. Since I rarely have the capacity to do this kind of stuff myself, I’m happy to pass…
By now I’ve arrived in Berlin and managed to meet up with the Berlinblase crew. After dinner, we’ve managed to find wireless to catch up on some email…
This Thursday (27 Nov 2008) I’ll have the honor of liveblogging the award ceremony of The BOBs, the Best of the Blogs awards. (More about the BOBs in…
What you see below is a test of the live blogging tool CoverItLive. It looks promising indeed: Of course this was just a test run without anything to…
Back in Berlin after a day of liveblogging at next08 in Hamburg. You can read our coverage (mostly German, some English) on Fischmarkt.de. Good fun & nice folks…