A few days back, ReadWriteWeb took the Blogher conference as a good occasion to list their favorite women bloggers, Go2Web2.0’s Orli Yakuel even went a step further and made a slideshow of 50 powerful females’ blogs.
A great list! A few of these blogs I follow regularly (like Emily Chang, Xeni Jardin, Danah Boyd and Tara Hunt), a number I didn’t know, so I’ll have to explore some more. (Congrats to fellow Berliner Michelle / thornet of Creative Commons fame for making that list!)
So I’m curious: Who are your favorite women bloggers? Please put your links in the comments.
Me of course ;)
Otherwise: scientists Sciencewomen http://scienceblogs.com/sciencewoman/ author Elizabeth Bear http://matociquala.livejournal.com/ mommy blogger Tertia Albertyn http://www.tertia.org/so_close/
sometimes i read women writers on dailykos, but they’re as dumb as the males that post there.
so, i guess just me, like dr. j.