These guys got it right (II): Impromptu meeting organized via Twitter-SecondLife-IRC mash-up

Twittercamp in Second Life, image by Christopher Penn

Christopher Penn describes a heavily mashed-up impromptu unconference that took place in Second Life – spontaneously agreed on via a wild mix of Twitter, IRC, Second Life, you name it:

As tastyblogsnack‘s Justine saw it:

I noticed a few messages between Chris Penn and Britney Mason who were meeting on Jeff Pulver’s island, Pulveria. Within minutes, a “d text” to financialaidpodcast for his SL name, and I was off to meet Britney’s beautiful avatar and a Jedi Penn. Chris Brogan was even there with the most amazing pair of pants I’ve ever seen. Shortly after, I posted a twitter message and mentioned in the IRC channel of the random meetup. Chris Pirillo joined us and also sent out a tweet to his loyal followers, all while trying to escape from a teleport into a plant. Within a 15 minute time-span, there was an improptu audience of a few dozen people. The internet is beautiful.

So that’s why it’s called social software, huh? I’d say!

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