Re:publica 2010 Wrap Up
Below, in short, you’ll find: Thanks! International geeks! Interview! Party photos! Food! Smart cities! Drumbeat! #Thanks! Wow, what a week. Big thanks and props to the team behind…
Below, in short, you’ll find: Thanks! International geeks! Interview! Party photos! Food! Smart cities! Drumbeat! #Thanks! Wow, what a week. Big thanks and props to the team behind…
Lately so much has been going on in Berlin that has to do with the whole field of open design, tinkering, DIY – and last week was another…
ITP is a program at NYU’s Tisch School of Arts, and it looks simply awesome. Taken directly from their own mission statement, the ITP’s mission is “to explore…
The Seven Things You Don’t Know About Me meme has been around for quite a while (it’s fairly old, really), but it’s good fun, and a charming way…
A little while ago, MT and I launched a little side project, a t-shirt series that says “I work for the Internets“. We’ve only sold a few, but…
With Barcamps abound and the Web2Expo just around the corner, it’s time to once more kick off a few side projects. One I’m particularly fond of is Berlinblase.…
Privacy isn’t usually the most sexy topic. At least it isn’t usually treated that way, which is a shame. All the better: Cory Doctorow’s latest novel Little Brother…