The End of Big Social (Connection Problem S09E05)
× Note: This is cross-posted from my newsletter in an attempt to both to make it easier to read this via RSS feed and to have this in…
× Note: This is cross-posted from my newsletter in an attempt to both to make it easier to read this via RSS feed and to have this in…
The New Scientist touched on a fascinating concept: Pre-Social Networks that would foster serendipity by matching people based on their interests and their current (or even future) location.…
The other day I visited Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) for a day to give a keynote speech and a workshop for FES stipends at the summer academy. (Full disclosure: paid…
The Future Of Social NetworksView more presentations or upload your own. (tags: advertising media) Charlene Li‘s presentation about the future of social networking, touching on general trends as…
…and turning them into reporters, commentators, producers. This video is quite impressive in its being so simple, yet compelling. While tapping into some very interesting points in itself,…
Last week I noticed that some Dopplr users’ profiles looked somewhat different than others’ and wondered why. Well, now it’s public: Dopplr now offers trips with several stops…
Social Networks have hit mainstream. (The student body on Facebook isn’t enough to really be mainstream, or is it?) How can you tell? Social Networks are increasingly becoming…