Quick updates: ThingsCon, UIKonf, NEXT Berlin & more

Just briefly some link for you to peruse:

Over at ThingsCon, we have a more or less final program for day 2, an unpolished draft program for day 1, a location for the workshop day (day 1, at Betahaus), and the last few days of early bird tickets. (We extended them to this Friday, 6pm CET.)

For UIKonf, we have a (nearly) final speaker list, a yummy menu draft, excellent coffee, a location for the hackday (betahaus), and also still tickets available.

At NEXT Berlin, ticket sales will go live any day now, and the program is announced step by step.

In other news: Setting up my new company as an umbrella for all my activities is in process, more on that soon. The schedule and speaker list for SolidCon is online and seeing the other speakers I feel humbled to be part of that list.

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