Recently I’ve been getting more and more requests for liveblogging events. Since I rarely have the capacity to do this kind of stuff myself, I’m happy to pass on these requests. So I decided to start a little pool of folks who are willing to blog live from events. (I’m leaving this so vague on purpose since I get a wide spectrum of requests from minute-by-minute blogging to posting highlights to video coverage.)
So if you’re based in Germany and up for that kind of stuff, drop me a line. Best would be to include your conditions (voluntary or paid gigs, topics, etc.). Don’t forget to give me your contact details, too. (Of course I won’t sell this list, and won’t pass on your contact details unless you ask me to.)
Thanks, and happy liveblogging!
ps. Also, I’m organizing a blogger program for Deutsche Gamestage / Quo Vadis, if you’re interested in blogging from there (in German), drop me a line (peter at and I can hook you up with a free ticket.