SolidCon notes (part 2)
SolidCon 2015, day 2. Below, for future reference and largely unsorted & unedited, some notes & links. This is the quick & dirty version, I’m paraphrasing roughly, proceed…
SolidCon 2015, day 2. Below, for future reference and largely unsorted & unedited, some notes & links. This is the quick & dirty version, I’m paraphrasing roughly, proceed…
It’s been great to catch up to all the folks in the field in one place, and to check up on what’s going on in San Francisco. Below,…
For more or less two weeks straight I’ve been in conference marathon mode. In fact I’m typing this as I’m sitting at the UIKonf registration desk, blissfully catching…
Just briefly some link for you to peruse: Over at ThingsCon, we have a more or less final program for day 2, an unpolished draft program for day…
Writing the weeknotes for KANT I just noticed a few things I haven’t mentioned here, so I’m just copy&pasting them in: ThingsCon is making big, big strides,…