ZDF Auslandsjournal did a piece on a team working at Betahaus. The show was a special about the future of cities, and this being Auslandsjournal they usually film abroad. For the future of work it turned out, though, that Berlin is the place to go. So they filmed a bunch of us (Anna Lena Schiller, Christoph Fahle, Igor Schwarzmann, Martin Menzel and me) for two days working on a little website to accompany the TV piece.
The segment “Coworking Spaces: Bürogemeinschaft der Zukunft?” aired on 28 April 2010, but it won’t be available online after a week due to some of the more stupid strange restrictions public broadcasters are operating under in Germany. (Which also restricts me from embedding the video here. If anyone has freed the video, let me know.) So the text will stay online just like our website sketch, the video will be up for a week. Betahaus is featured from around minute 9:20.