A Swarm of Angels: Poster release

If you’ve been following this blog for awhile, you might be familiar a film project I find to be really neat: A Swarm of Angels (former posts of mine here) will be a real, and radical, innovation: It’ll be big-ass, professionally produced movie funded (in terms of both money and creativity) by a community of film fans, the so-called Swarm. It’ll be released for re-mixing under a Creative Commons license.

A Swarm of Angels: The Unfold poster by Jonathan ValienteIt’s a great project which I think really takes community-involvement to a new level: As a member, you can get directly give your input at all levels, even script development. In between things, promo materials are developed, and later voted about. The best get used. One vote I’d like to point out is one out of a whole bunch of votes: The teaser poster vote. You can see a short-list of five poster drafts here.

My favorite? Jonathan Valiente’s poster design.

As soon as registration opens up again, you can join The Swarm here.

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