“Specifically, Jagdish Bhagwati’s spaghetti bowl is rearing its ugly head all over East Asia…” Oh boy. A gem found in the magazine Contemporary Southeast Asia, issue August 2005.
google maps mash-up madness: Nighttime! According to Gripskipper, “next-generation big-haired Hungarian super-genius Peter Pesti” has mashed up good ol’ google maps with NASA satellite night images to create…
Recently I’ve noticed a lot more inquiries coming in from agencies abroad, mostly the U.S. or UK. Two Three things I found noteworthy there. photo credit: Seite-3 1)…
A BIK (Barrierefrei Informieren und Kommunizieren = Communicate And Inform Barrier Free) test has looked into the last federal election campaign websites by Germany’s political parties. Here’s the…