Engesser’s Law
This article is part of 20in20, a series of 20 blog posts in 20 days to kick off the blogging year 2020. This is 20in20:05. A good friend…
This article is part of 20in20, a series of 20 blog posts in 20 days to kick off the blogging year 2020. This is 20in20:05. A good friend…
Having been self-employed most of my life, and often been part of a peer-group that tends to be interested in experimenting with self-organization (cough did someone just say…
Well, of course that title is slightly misleading. (Come on, what did you expect?) However, it’s not just there to draw a few more eyeballs. Let me explain…
Chris Brogan summarizes how to write email so that it’s easy to process further: Key points: One Decision Per Email (so it’s easy to process) Don’t Ever Say…
Just stumbled over a series of posts on ReadWriteWeb I’d like to share with you. Without further commenting, there’s plenty of info there that I’m fairly certain are…
In this rare gem of a video, Clay Shirky talks about the time, energy and potentials that used to be lost to dumbly watching TV. How many Wikipedia…
37signals and their smart & usable (translation: awesome) web solutions like the project management pack Basecamp have always been inspiring. That alone, said about office and productivity software,…