ATT & Cargo Cults
Image by One Laptop Per Child (CC by) As BoingBoing reports, a leaked memo indicates that AT&T will introduce a creepy and stupid policy: If a user…
Image by One Laptop Per Child (CC by) As BoingBoing reports, a leaked memo indicates that AT&T will introduce a creepy and stupid policy: If a user…
Today I tried to buy an ebook. I’m a big fan of the Kindle and buy ebooks all the time. So I wanted to buy a digital copy…
Since I don’t believe in restricting the flow of information, or in DRM, this blog has been published under a Creative Commons license all along. And I’ve been…
Please note: What’s about to follow is a rant. It’s also advice to music labels. Short-short version, dear content traders: Make your stuff more easily available. This is…