6 lenses to look at Third Wave
We work in a funny business, one that’s at the same time very old (consulting) and very young (focusing on emerging technology and behavior changes). This puts us…
We work in a funny business, one that’s at the same time very old (consulting) and very young (focusing on emerging technology and behavior changes). This puts us…
In a discussion with Jay Cousins recently we talked about a small problem: If you’re coworking in a cafe or in a coworking space, you sometimes don’t know…
Ground-breaking collaborative film project A Swarm of Angels just released the first video trailer, and boy, I can’t wait to see more: Worlds Will Shatter – The Unfold…
David Cushman of Faster Future has this neat presentation about how PR works completely differently in networked environments, like on the web or mobile devices. It’s all about…
Dipity lets you create timelines of all things internet. One of them I liked particularly, and that’s this timeline of internet memes: Enjoy sifting through those classics! (via)
CNN just introduced embeddable video. The CNN behind the Scenes blog has the details: We are very happy to announce our latest move in that effort with the…
W00t: I just got this awesome custom waving cat icon. Melbourne-based multimedia designer and pixel artist Louise K of Agmyst Studio was so kind to create this image…