The Seven Things You Don’t Know About Me meme has been around for quite a while (it’s fairly old, really), but it’s good fun, and a charming way to get to know each other better. So here we go. I was tagged by Stuart Brown (Social Communications), so here are seven not-so-well known facts about me. (Thanks, Stuart!)
The Seven Things
- When I was a little kid, I wanted to make it my job to take things apart. I had no interest in putting them back together (or maybe I lacked the skills). I just wanted to take them apart, piece by piece.
- Watching Road Trip always puts me in a good mood. I’m not proud of it, and it’s not even a particularly good movie, but even five minutes and all grudges are gone.
- I got two masters degrees, almost by accident.
- The two tools that I found help me most to increase productivity are, in this order, a large second monitor and static-adhesive whiteboard sheets (like these).
- At home, I have a massive stack of chopsticks, and a glass from the Washington, DC, German Embassy’s basement bar. Both are completely unrelated.
- I don’t understand, and never have, what small glasses are for. Cups are a completely different matter.
- I’m writing this from a completely empty office because the rest of the crew won’t move in till tomorrow morning.
Who’s next? Nicole Ebber – Zeitgeisty Patrick Rathke – Pointkilla Michelle Thorne – thornet Ian Forrester – Cubic Garden Sebastian Grünwaldt – Berlinblase Janetti Chon – Janerri Alien Ted – Alien Ted
The Meme Rules
- Link to your original tagger(s) and list these rules in your post.
- Share seven facts about yourself in the post.
- Tag seven people at the end of your post by leaving their names and the links to their blogs.
- Let them know they’ve been tagged.
I have completed the task as proscribed :)
Those static adhesive whiteboard sheets could come in real handy. I think I’m gonna get some.