Merging book stores & ebooks
I love bookstores. I love them for their curation. I particularly love how smaller bookstores have a fantastic selection. However, I have a dark secret — I almost…
I love bookstores. I love them for their curation. I particularly love how smaller bookstores have a fantastic selection. However, I have a dark secret — I almost…
File under “unexpected media appearance”: A few weeks ago I was interviewed about personal analytics and the Quantified Self by a good old institution in the German media…
So I got around to testing out the Nike+ Fuelband for a few days. Instead of a full on review, some quick, off the cuff impressions, thoughts &…
The other day I talked to my friend Ryo who lives in Japan and uses an iPhone. In this he’s not alone – iPhones are, in Japan as…
Three notes to myself, based on experiences and conversations about the things others do well. One, to avoid misunderstandings, or disappointments based on misunderstandings, try to express your…
Over at Third Wave, I just posted a report that started out as a pet project, and that I was pretty excited about. A little forecasting project, a…
A little while ago, Christian Grasse did a radio feature for dradio on the Quantified Self. There, he included interviews with Johannes Kleske and me. That was really…