Wow, what a month. So much stuff. So here’s a run down of what’s been happening to keep everyone in the loop and for future reference.
While everywhere around things seemed to slow down for the summer break, my month was quite busy – not least because during the prior months a few things had been piling up, there was admin to take care of for ThingsCon an other projects, etc. Also, it was a month with lots of travel: Hamburg & Stuttgart for client work; Frankfurt for a family event; Turin for a visit to Casa Jasmina, and as I’m typing this I’m headed to Sebastopol, CA for Foo Camp. It’s a little more airport time than is desirable, but it’s all super interesting stuff, so I’m certainly not going to complain.
In self-directed stuff…
- Ignite Berlin is happening Thursday, 30 July. Alas, I won’t be able to be there myself, but it’s in the best possible hands thanks to my long-term co-organizers Yasmina and Claudia. We were blown away by the massive interest in this installment of the event series, which after all has been going for 5 years, with some 300+ folks “joining” the event on Facebook. Given that most pesky of restrictions of the physical world – limited, exclusive space – we had to come up with a way to limit the number of participants. So unless we figure out an elegant way to, dunno, live stream it all or something,
Eventbrite is the only way to make sure to get init’s sold out. (Alas, at the time I’m typing this all seats are taken; but if someone cancel’s, the next followup moves up the list). We’ll do our best to record and share the talks online afterwards. - Speaking of videos, ThingsCon videos are going live, as we receive them step by step, the moment we solve some server migration issues. Not long now. Really. Seriously.
- And speaking of ThingsCon, thanks to Iskander and Monique, ThingsCon Amsterdam will take place again this year (4 Dec, details on the website). Yay!
- And while we’re at Amsterdam, I’ll be speaking at SolidCon Amsterdam in October about smart cities, so that’s exciting. Especially so given that a whole bunch of people I admire will also be presenting.
- Interaction16 is moving ahead despite the European summer break. First keynotes are confirmed (we’re working on more), early bird tickets are sold out, the first 124 or so volunteer applications are in. There are still a few more student tickets, and the call for proposal is open: Do submit your ideas! All links on the website linked above.
- Dearsouvenir, the travel & shopping digital magazine I’ve been involved in getting off the ground for a long time now, is getting real. It’s happening. Hopefully by the next time I write monthnotes there’s a download link or launch date of sorts. Until then, why not browse the Dearsouvenir Instagram?
In client work…
- Been working with various parts of Bosch on several projects to further foster the exchange between the traditional industry and startups/devs. More on that soon. It’s great to see so much happen in that space.
- Been digging into the connected car space some more for a client.
- Our Smart City report & policy recommendations are still churning through the appropriate processes, channels, desks. Should be published soon.
In miscellaneous…
- Alexandra, Michelle and I lived in the home of the future and survived: Read all about our stay at Casa Jasmina, the connected open source home in Torino.
- We officially opened our office with a small, slightly delayed rooftop bbq. Fun!
- As I’m typing this I’m headed to SF & Sebastopol for a few days for Foo Camp. I’ll swing by SF only very briefly, but can’t wait for the weekend.
- Speaking of travel, getting more and more curious about the Shenzhen hardware ecosystem and what I’m told is like a Cambrian explosion of diversity there. Note to self: Find a good opportunity to see & explore this.
Shout outs
- Brady Forrest teamed up with Renee DiResta and Ryan Vinyard for a book: The Hardware Startup is the ultimate guide to planning, starting and growing your connected hardware business.
- Berlin connected toy startup Vaikai started taking pre-orders. The wooden toys look lovely.