# Tectonic Shifts: The Mega Trends That Shape Our Digital Future


Tectonic Shifts is a series of articles on the mega trends that will shape our digital future for years (if not decades) to come.


How do emerging technologies like 3D printing, the Internet of Things, ubiquitous connectedness, smart cities or open innovation impact your business?


This is the kind of open-ended, but concrete question that I aim to tackle in Tectonic Shifts. In a series of articles looking at one emerging technology (or one cluster of emerging technologies) or one industry each, the goal is to provide an idea of the impact of those emerging technologies. I believe that there is a need for accessible, no-nonsense, easy-to-apply overviews.

A cheat sheet for new technology and tech mega trends

Tectonic Shifts is neither a trend piece nor an industry white paper: It’s a top-level analysis of what’s important, for who, and why. Not completely free of buzzwords, but as un-buzzwordy as possible. In other words, it’s the kind of backgrounder I would give over a cup of coffee if we sat down and you asked: “So what’s the deal with XYZ?” Think of it as a cheat sheet for new technology and tech mega trends.


Tectonic Shifts is going to be an ongoing series of articles.


Topics for the first few articles include:

  • Internet of Things (IoT) & connected services
  • 3D printing
  • Big Data / the data layer
  • Social/mobile/location-based services
  • innovation in the face of ubiquitous surveillance
  • empowered users
  • smart cities & urban transportation
  • open innovation


Click here to see all articles of _Tectonic Shifts_.


Image source: Peter Bihr (CC by-nc-sa)

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