Irregularly, I post noteworthy articles I’ve been reading recently. Enjoy!
Forking the book: We are used to seeing books as finished pieces of work – stable releases in dev speak. This might change thanks to book sprints, digital publishing and using GIT. – by Adam Hyde (link)
Graph Search’s Dirty Promise and the Con of the Facebook : A strong case for why the social signals that Facebook captures and sells are “dirty data”, and should be treated as such. Read this before you invest in buying Likes. (link)
CES: tips for first time exhibitors: Alexandra Deschamps-Sonsino shares her experiences as a first time CES exhibitor. (link)
Sophie In North Korea: It’s not often that we get to read impressions about how it feels to be in North Korea. I find even the banal aspects super interesting. (link)
6 Innovative Digital Health Products That Dominated CES 2013: Just a brief overview of some of the Quantified Self and personal analytics products shown at CES. – by Fred Pennic (link)
Android as a life management platform: “Smartphones today are optimized to do three things for you: Run apps. Speak to other people. Make you dependent on a phone company. The first two are features. The third is a bug.” Good read on mobile platforms and ecosystems. (link)