Recent reading (4 links for Feb 10)


Irregularly, I post noteworthy articles I recently read. Enjoy!


Sam Jacob on 3D printing
Sam Jacob argues that instead of liberating us, 3D printing will merely “bind us even more closely to fewer and fewer corporations” and that it might not change our relationships to commercial objects the way often portrayed. (link)


MIT Initiative for the Digital Economy Warns Technology May Change Employment Opportunities : The CIO Report
MIT just launched the Initiative for the Digital Economy to research the impact of digital technologies on business, economy and society. – by Irving Wladawsky-Berger (link)


Maker Faire Rome Announced
Maker Faire comes Italy, and they’re being ambitions about it. See you there. – by Ari Honka (link)


Deutschlands Open-Data-Portal wird nur ein Data-Portal
Wenige Tage vor dem offiziellen Start des deutschen Datenportals ist das “Open” aus dem Namen verschwunden: Das einst als OpenGovData geplante Portal wird nur noch GovData heißen. – by John H. Weitzmann (link)

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