The basics of online etiquette, explained in a neat 8bit video.
How To Behave On An Internet Forum
The basics of online etiquette, explained in a neat 8bit video.
How To Behave On An Internet Forum
Over on, Mike Butcher of TechCrunch UK explains how to successfully pitch your service to TechCrunch. It’s that simple, eh? Klartext: Wie pitcht man bei TechCrunch? from…
Through Oriol Miralbell’s blog I just stumbled over this conference talk. Maybe the headline sounded familiar to you? Right, it’s Cory Doctorow on Digital Rights Management, here filmed… has a great video to get folks to vote. It’s a personalized fake news show telling you clearly that it’s your fault, and yours only, if Obama…
In this fun little (supposedly viral) video campaign by the marketers of vanksen culturebuzz you can get personalized campaigning coverage for your candidacy for U.S. president. Consider it…
1 Comment
Ths vd fls. ‘ll flm f wnt t.