A Brief History Of Remixing The World
Just re-found an old text from etcon2005 by Cory Doctorow: Rules for Remixing. Sample: Remix your network: * Apple untethered the laptop * Commodity hardware made it cheap…
Just re-found an old text from etcon2005 by Cory Doctorow: Rules for Remixing. Sample: Remix your network: * Apple untethered the laptop * Commodity hardware made it cheap…
Online is not enough: Get your schwag today. (What is schwag? Here‘s the deal.) [valleyschwag.com]
As of today, there’s more “us” in del.icio.us: Today, Del.icio.us beefed up their social networking features. I now have a Network page that shows all of the links…
AnomalousNYC: Saints of the Lower East Side
Wet Concrete I by OsloInTheSummer Flickr Pool: Urban Microscapes.
Danke an Unblogbar: 31 Weblogs im direkten Vergleich anhand von 35 Kategorien. Kann b2evolution Trackbacks? Beherrscht WordPress Multiple Tags? Wie sieht es mit Spamschutz bei BLOG:CMS aus? Wer…
It’s really blurry (taken from the subway). But what the huge graffiti tag says isn’t some message. Nope, it’s a URL! Like “Hey guys, I have something to…