Recent reading (7 links for Feb 5)
Irregularly, I post noteworthy articles I recently read. Enjoy! Kickstarting: A Wi-Fi-Enabled Lamp That Lets You Say Goodnight Across The Globe: FastCo’s take on the Good Night…
Irregularly, I post noteworthy articles I recently read. Enjoy! Kickstarting: A Wi-Fi-Enabled Lamp That Lets You Say Goodnight Across The Globe: FastCo’s take on the Good Night…
File under “unexpected media appearance”: A few weeks ago I was interviewed about personal analytics and the Quantified Self by a good old institution in the German media…
So Fit for Fun interviewed me about self tracking & body tracking. The interview is in the recent print edition, but doesn’t seem to be available online…
So I got around to testing out the Nike+ Fuelband for a few days. Instead of a full on review, some quick, off the cuff impressions, thoughts &…
Interview time! Over at Third Wave, we’ve been getting some pretty amazing media attention. Not exactly sure why, but this last week alone between the three of us…
A little while ago, Christian Grasse did a radio feature for dradio on the Quantified Self. There, he included interviews with Johannes Kleske and me. That was really…
Note: Cross-posting this from the Third Wave blog to collect the links here. Ever since we started our series on the Quantified Self, we’ve been getting quite a…