AI makes Line Go Up, but…
AI has a tendency to make the Line Go Up. It also has a tendency to make Money Go Up. But that doesn’t mean that everyone’s happy, and…
AI has a tendency to make the Line Go Up. It also has a tendency to make Money Go Up. But that doesn’t mean that everyone’s happy, and…
Here’s a mental model I carry around with me and pull out whenever I think about different approaches to thinking about tech: Different generations think differently about tech…
I’ve been reading Hannah Ritchie’s Not the End of the World, and while I cannot get myself to quite share her optimism, I highly recommend the book. For…
I believe the internet today is pretty much broken — by behavioral tracking, by market concentration, by walled gardens. And while I caution against quick technological fixes as attempts…
This week I attended re:publica, Germany’s most relevant tech & society conference. I’ve been going since year 1 (2007) — not every year, and often not for the…
I’m on my way back home from Essen where I attended Mercator Forum, the foundation’s annual convening of its stakeholders, communities and grantee partners. This year it was…
A few things about the state of AI 2024 that taken together paint a less-than-rosy picture: (1) Ed Zitron makes a case — a pretty compelling one — that…