If Murdoch endorses the iPad, it’s bad
In the Guardian, soon-to-be-ex media mogul Rupert Murdoch continues to claim Google steals Murdoch’s journalistic content, while the iPad might save journalism. Faced with the statement that consumers…
In the Guardian, soon-to-be-ex media mogul Rupert Murdoch continues to claim Google steals Murdoch’s journalistic content, while the iPad might save journalism. Faced with the statement that consumers…
Five journalists using only Twitter and Facebook as news sources to provide their reporting, that’s the basic setup of an experiment going on for five days. The headline,…
So Apple announced the tablet after all. Going by the name iPad it’s just that – a tablet computer, or maybe rather a tablet phone as it runs…
New York Times is supposedly getting ready to charge online readers: What makes the decision so agonizing for Sulzberger is that it involves not just business considerations, but…
The Nieman Lab covers the planned expansion of Spot.Us, a really interesting and pioneering project in crowdsourced crowdfunded journalism. At this time, where everybody is discussing potential models…
Today I happened upon these two videos in which two experts share their take on (among many other things) the future of the media. The two experts are…
Yesterday, this Internet Manifesto was published and signed by a small, neat group of German web and media folks. It made a bit of a splash and will…