How to build a responsible Internet of Things
Over the last few years, we have seen an explosion of new products and services that bridge the gap between the internet and the physical world: The Internet…
Over the last few years, we have seen an explosion of new products and services that bridge the gap between the internet and the physical world: The Internet…
At SimplySecure’s excellent Underexposed conference we discussed the importance of making it easier for those involved in making connected products and services to make safe, secure, and privacy-conscious…
We strongly believe that good ethics mean good business. This isn’t just an empty phrase, either: We know from our own experience that often it pays great dividends…
Executive Summary: We went to Shenzhen to explore opportunities for collaboration between European Internet of Things practitioners and the Shenzhen hardware ecosystem—and how to promote the creation of…
ThingsCon: Peter Bihr (The Waving Cat) from ThingsConAMS on Vimeo. This week I’m in the Netherlands for ThingsCon Amsterdam, the largest ThingsCon event this year (and one of…
The second edition of our book Understanding the Connected Home is out. Michelle Thorne and I fully revised, rewrote and updated this edition. It’s both broader and deeper…
As the digging into Volkswagen’s emission/cheating scandal continues, it’s very interesting to watch the kind of conflicts and issues we see emerge from the whole thing. Interesting not…