Some Impressions: Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum
Just coming back from Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum (GMF) – and on my way to Barcamp Cologne 3 – I’m in a little cafe in the middle…
Just coming back from Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum (GMF) – and on my way to Barcamp Cologne 3 – I’m in a little cafe in the middle…
As Techcrunch announced today, video streaming service Mogulus just got a big of extra cash ($10 million). What interesting here is who that money is coming from: Gannett,…
CNN will launch a new Citizen Journalism portal, reports Mediaweek. Going by the name iReport, the project will be a portal for user-generated video news. The CNN has…
Gerade habe ich die Nachricht erhalten, dass meine Magisterarbeit bewertet wurde. Das heißt auch, dass ich sie jetzt online veröffentlichen darf. Für die Arbeit habe ich Politikjournalisten interviewt,…
I just received news that my masters thesis has been graded (1.0 = “very good”), which also means I’m now allowed to publish it online. For the thesis,…