We seek to advance the field and spread knowledge & insights broadly. That is why, in addition to our publications & products, we launched a number conferences for pioneer communities.
These events always inform our research and help us build out our network.
ThingsCon fosters the creation of a human-centric & responsible IoT. To this end we provide practitioners with an open environment for reflection & collaborative action.
ThingsCon is a global community of practitioners around Internet of Things (IoT) and new hardware, as well as an event platform with events across all of Europe and the globe, from Amsterdam to Manila and Berlin to Shenzhen.
We believe that technology should be empowering, respectful, and inclusive. Currently in IoT, not all voices are heard equally, and not all services and products are designed in a way that is human-centric and with the public good in mind. We are convinced that good ethics equal good business.
We understand ThingsCon contributing to a movement of practitioners – especially independents – who champion shared values like openness, sharing, diversity & inclusivity, sustainability and collaboration in all things “connected” – from products and services to IoT, from consumer goods to smart cities and more.
We believe that a network of practitioners working with aligned values can have massive impact. Through networked action, we can make and advocate for technology that is a force for good. Together with you, we can collectively have a meaningful impact on the lives of hundreds of millions, one product or policy at a time.
ThingsCon has been spun out into its own not-for-profit structure, ThingsCon e.V.
Learn more at thingscon.com.
An independent conference for serious iOS developers. When it launched it was Berlin’s first English-language iOS developer conference. Co-founded as an independent event with Matt Patterson and Chris Eidhof since 2013, now run by a new team.
Ignite Berlin
Enlighten us, but make it quick! That’s the motto of Ignite, a fantastic global format of lightning talks – slides auto-forward, you get exactly 5 minutes per presentation. I’ve been co-organizing Ignite Berlin since 2010. Learn more.
Cognitive Cities Conference
In 2011, our conference CoCities looked at how technologies can change cities, how data & sensors can make urban spaces more responsive. Organized as one of the first projects with my former company.
Interaction, IxDA’s annual interaction design conference, is maybe the most relevant event in that space. I was honored (and very, very happy) to be invited to co-chair it along with Sami Niemelä, and run it together with the fantastic Helsinki chapter of IxDA. Learn more.
NEXT Conference
One of Germany’s leading digital industry conferences. The only client project in the list, I didn’t found NEXT but was involved as program co-director from 2012-2015, together with Monique van Dusseldorp.
There are other conferences and events I organized over the years, but that now feel like ancient times ago, like two editions of TEDxKreuzberg (2009, 2010) and atoms&bits Festival (2009).
Among others, I co-founded and chaired the conferences ThingsCon (IoT), UIKonf (iOS development), Cognitive Cities (smart cities), and atoms&bits (maker movement); co-directed NEXT Conference 2012-15; and served as co-chair for Interaction16.