A quick snapshot of some of the more recently founded hardware and IoT startups. I’m just starting to collect these more formally to make it easier to keep an overview, so this list starts out very small and will grow over time. Please do send me pointers and I’ll try to update this list accordingly.
- Bragi. Based in Munich. Europe’s most successful Kickstarter campaign. Wireless in-ear headphones for sports that also measure vital signs. bragi.com
- Basslet. Based in Berlin. An audio-haptic bracelet that transmits bass through the wristbone to give the listener a more intense music listening experience. rescuedideas.com
- Headwave. Berlin-based. A motorcycle helmet add-on that turns the helmet into a resonance body so the driver can listen to music while driving. headwave.de
- Kiwi.ki. Berlin-based. Smart lock system for residential buildings. kiwi.ki
- BeaconInside. Berlin-based. A solar-powered indoor Bluetooth Low Energy beacon for indoor location based services. beaconinside.com
- Airfy. Beacon & public wifi for small businesses and cafés. airfy.com
- Polymer. Web platform for hardware makers to connect and collaborate. joinpolymer.com
- Relayr. IoT dev kit and sensor platform. relayr.io
- Skysense. Charging pad for commercial drones. Berlin-based. skysense.de
- TobyRich. Smartphone controlled gadgets and toys. Bremen. tobyrich.com
Do German letter carriers really have to carry around a giant ring of keys on their route?
@Peter Yes, they do. It’s enormous, too. And come to think of it, I don’t think I’ve ever heard of this being misused…
And not just letter carriers, by the way. Garbage removal crews as well!