blitzTag + Light Rider premiere from Jesse Scott on Vimeo.
Awesome lightbike is awesome!
On June 17th, as part of 48 Hours Neukölln, Graffiti Research Lab Germany launched ‘Light Rider’, our mobile a/v bike system, alongside ‘blitzTag’, our new digital graffiti projection suite. We will be doing more guerilla projections throughout the summer – please check our blog at for more details. Writers – get in touch! We are also undergoing a crowd-funding campaign in order to purchase a permanent 5K beamer for the Light Rider. Please consider supporting at Thanks to [Aktion! Karl-Marx Strasse], the Berlin chapter of the Awesome Foundation, Open Design City, Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenurg, Licht Piraten, and Chicanos South Central. Video shot by Henrik Moltke. Music by The Streets. More details on the projects at
It’s great to see this come out of Berlin, and (in some very, very small way) be part of it. Rock on, guys!