One of the best panels My favorite panel at re:publica was Henning Krieg‘s panel on law and blogging. At pretty much every other conference I missed out on Henning’s quite famous talks, and it was no surprise to find the room packed to the limits. Relaxed, informal and funny presentation, a lot of value for the regular blogger like yours truly. What about the infamous German imprint (“Impressum”), what kind of content am I allowed to use on my blog, who has rights to this photo, and what will a German judge count as an insult? Plenty of questions from the audience, lots of answers. If nothing else, the audience sure learned that the law can’t quite keep up with technology and common practice.
The slides are already online, but Henning is also planning a series of posts specifically about blogging and law. So keep an eye on his blog, (That is, if you’re interested in German blogging law and are fluent in German, of course.)