Recently I’ve been talking to a bunch of people about Twitter, what’s cool about it and what isn’t. (Rob has started a little micro poll on his blog about Twitter’s usefulness, too – so far with mixed results.) My main point so far was that Twitter fills a gap in the way we communicate, namely low-level, high-frequency communication. At SXSW, Laughing Squid‘s Scott Beale has shown that Twitter is also particularly well for spontaneous shout outs – what started out as a brief post about a little drink-up after the conference turned into a massive party where companies and individuals alike took turns in giving out microsponsorships in the form of rounds of beer: The first officially recognized Twittermob.
Let’s see how it goes from here.
Update: Rob has the results of his brief Twitter poll on his blog now. Seems like the German blogosphere is pretty critical of Twitter. Why’s that??
Update 2: Volker pointed out that I forgot to post my Twitter ID. Not much use twittering without, is there? Thanks, Volker!
Hi Peter,
for me, Twitter is a good way to animate my charakter “Herman Pachulke”. He´s just a bit more authentic now. The best way to understand those new instruments is using them. Go for it!
Herman Pachulke (alias Volker)
Mein liewa Herr Pachulke, ick seh schon, Sie nehmen dat Internet nicht gerade auf die leichte Schulter, wa? ;)
so isset… det Fieber hat mich jepackt. Ick soll Sie schön jrüßen von Volker
….wie abonniere ich denn Dein Twitter?
Im Übrijen find ick det wat Du zu Twitter zu sagen hast, so ziemlich das Reflektierteste, wat ick bisher darüber habe finden können.
Vielen Dank, Herr Pachulke. Dat hör ick natürlich jern, und ick weeß dat Lob zu schätzen, wa!