New Skype version allows instant payments to Paypal

Paying via SkypeSkype‘s newest version (3.2 beta) allows users to send money directly to other Skype users. Given that Skype and Ebay partnered a while ago, this makes a lot of sense. Until now, you needed someone’s email address to send them your cash, now it also works with their Skype username. I’m not quite sure this will change a whole lot by itself, but the tighter integration of both services sure makes a lot of sense. At least in Germany, I don’t think Paypal is even close to the reach that Skype has, so maybe some more users would sign up because they know and trust Skype. Curious as to what kind of use we’ll see there. (Instant payment for spontaneous hotline calls? Online shopping of some sorts? Parents wiring money to their kids abroad?)


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