You may have seen this before on BoingBoing or elsewhere, but this is just too awesome. It’s a Japanese English training video. Not exactly the usual stuff, though: It’s all insults and accusations…
10 Most Beautiful Social Networks If you asked most MySpace-haters what’s their problem with the service, they’d probably say: it’s ugly. Meanwhile, people tell us they are switching…
The great & ambitious film collaborative film project A Swarm Of Angels (which I’m a proud, if passive, member of) have relaunched their website. Now it’s all in…
Das Licht unter der Sitzoberfläche spiegelt Aktivitätsgrade wieder, sodass Passanten intuitiv diese Aktivität wahrnehmen. Die Folge ist eine Art Gemeinschaftsgefühl. Der beleuchtete Sitz kann auch einen privaten Raum…