A few days ago I posted about how Australia legalized space-shifting, i.e. ripping CDs. This seemed surprisingly reasonable. Well, BUT. Here’s the catch. The Australian government’s copyright reform also includes the most backward & stoopid restrictions.
It’s funny: the Hollywood cartel couldn’t get the US to adopt the Broadcast Flag, so they went and sold this bill of dubious goods to Australians. You’d think Australia would be smarter than that: it’s pretty sad to be the easy-lay nation that Hollywood turns to when it can’t convince America to put out. (BoingBoing)
Sez the Sydney Morning Herald Mash-up blog:
Under the Australian Government’s proposed new copyright laws it will no longer be technically illegal to tape TV shows or rip tracks from your CD onto your iPod. That’s the good part – getting rid of something that almost everybody had honoured in the breach. But it replaces that stupid law with another stupider one – one that can never be properly policed and one which will continue to put almost everyone in breach of the copyright laws.
For example, you’re only allowed to watch a recorded show once. Sez the Attorney General press release cum FAQ:
Does this mean I can record my favourite television or radio program to enjoy later? Yes. For the first time you will be able to record most television or radio program at home to enjoy at a later time. This will allow you to watch or listen to a program as it was made available to the public at the time of the original broadcast. How long can I keep the recording? The recording must be deleted after one use. It will not be possible to use the recording over and over again.
Ouch. [via]
Diese Diskussion nimmt zum Teil so absurde Züge an.. Einmal schauen, zweimal schauen..
“Beim ersten Mal musste ich aber aufs Klo!” “Pech gehabt. Abführen.”
Wie wahr. Ich verstehe auch – ganz ohne Trotzigkeit und Häme – einfach nicht, was sich diese Leute denken. Was muß bloß schieflaufen, daß jemand ernsthaft solche Dinge unterstützt?