barrier free
A BIK (Barrierefrei Informieren und Kommunizieren = Communicate And Inform Barrier Free) test has looked into the last federal election campaign websites by Germany’s political parties. Here’s the…
A BIK (Barrierefrei Informieren und Kommunizieren = Communicate And Inform Barrier Free) test has looked into the last federal election campaign websites by Germany’s political parties. Here’s the…
But the truth is, the internet cannot be both globally acceptable and a force for democracy. Good Wired article about censorship, self-censorship & the internet. True, that. However,…
…what researchers found worked the best was a Caffeine Nap. The Caffeine Nap is simple. You drink a cup of coffee and immediately take a 15 minute nap.…
Ha! Trends in Japan is run by the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, but it’s good fun. By the way: The crab’s legs move.
Making things is part of being human. Whether you make bikes, kites, food, clothing, protocols for biology research, or hack consumer electronics, good instructions are critical. [the inconstructibles…
form a crew, wait until night, and then get some throwies up: LED throwies.
Trying to downplay the havoc Microsoft Office Communicator Mobile will wreak on the mobile telecoms industry, Ballmer chose a topical Valentine’s Day theme for his announcement….But Ballmer’s announcement…