the brain
The Brain as Told by BBC’S Look Around You [via kinja/lifehacker]
The Brain as Told by BBC’S Look Around You [via kinja/lifehacker]
“DONTCLICK.IT is an imaginary research institute”. And it’s been around for a little while, but it’s great: A beautiful, smart & ambitious website about click-less navigation. Please prerpare…
The fact that the Hong Kong – Watches And Perfume shop is run by an old Turkish man. That the sushi restaurant is run by the same Vietnamese…
Ever wondered how to fold a fitted sheet, like, one of those with a rubber string all around? Target Australia offers help. Step 1 Hold the sheet inside…
We Make Money Not Art presents Judi Wertheim’s Brincos: Sneakers designed for Mexican immigrants crossing the Mexican-US border. They feature, among other things, a flashlight to find your…
23 real simple steps to making your Internet life much better, a great and really simple how-to on Chicago Tribune’s Change Of Subject weblog. Good stuff, Mr Eric…
google maps mash-up madness: Nighttime! According to Gripskipper, “next-generation big-haired Hungarian super-genius Peter Pesti” has mashed up good ol’ google maps with NASA satellite night images to create…