syndication, rueckwaerts
yeeehaw. As part of a series I’m calling “I never have to update my site again!”. I’m playing with the idea of combining data from different points on…
yeeehaw. As part of a series I’m calling “I never have to update my site again!”. I’m playing with the idea of combining data from different points on…
nicht neu, aber immer noch mal nen blick wert: del.icio.us social bookmarks.
kuri5shin hat ne feine bestandsaufnahme: was hat google in letzter zeit geschluckt, was koennten die naechsten uebernahmen sein? der staerkste trend ist wohl (keine ueberraschung, sorry): integration, alle…
Sadly, as part of the restructuring of the BBC’s online activities, this site is closing at the end of the month. We’re trying to find alternative bbc.co.uk homes…
spannendes konzept: plasticbag.org ueber [social software set-top boxes]. der erste schritt sozusagen eine TV-buddy-liste, spaeter mehr interaktion. nachtrag: auch PARC (palo alto research center) ist hat social TV…
[eurekster] search parties: kollaborativ suchen. file under: collaborative technology, social software
Bei Style.com: Paper power!. 14 Mikro-Magazine. Papier statt Weblogs. yeah. [via ]