video game research

Videospiele für politische Kommunikation, Austausch, Agendasetting? watercoolergames versuchts. Spannender ist aber [an online resource for video game researchers]
Hab’s nicht probegespielt, aber das Aufklärspiel des UN World Food Programme wirkt dann doch etwas verkrampft. [nongames] sieht das übrigens ganz anders. nongames, das sind SimCity und inzwischen noch ein paar Andere:

Dealing with Game Design in general, the main focus of this website will be the quickly-growing videogame genre known as ‘Nongame’. The main characteristic of this genre is the aparent lack of traditional ‘goals’ and ‘objectives’ or, sometimes, ‘challenges’.

Eine Datenbank über nicht-in-erster-Linie-Unterhaltung-Spiele gibt’s bei [social impact games].

Kinder dagegen spielen übrigens nomadisch:

Kids’ activities are characterized by being nomadic in the sense, that they spend their daily life as “nomads” in transit between many physical places (“oases”) such as: school, after school, club, sports clubs, with pals, and often also in multiple homes. In their nomadic living, kids use digital toys such as computer games, mobile phones, mp3 players, etc. as cross boundary artifacts using the flexibility and mobility that technology provides to stage their personal way of living.

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